EU Availability Dates

Hi All,

I am new to the forums so not sure if this is something I can post, please let me know if I need to delete.

I recently placed an order for the CSL DD with the 8nm boost kit on December 3rd, it had an availability date of January 3rd when I placed my order and still has an availability date of January 3rd.

I just wanted to see people’s experiences with EU availability dates, I’ve seen US customers having a horrible time with delays and so on.

I am hoping that I do get my item dispatched around the availability date but seeing other people have delays does not provide me with a lot of confidence if I’m honest.

Anyone in the EU or UK specifically have any feedback when it comes to the accuracy of the availability dates? Appreciate any help.


  • hello, in my case it had a date of January 3 and if everything goes well, I will receive it on December 23. Although I don't understand why UPS creates a tracking number for each product ordered instead of one for the set, and from what I've seen in UPS they arrive on different days. Fanatec today I do not get to put the tracking numbers, I only confirm that the order had been processed and would be sent soon....

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