Horrible customer service

About 8 days ago i let Fanatec support know that my loadcell from my csp v3 inverted is broken. I let customer service know that i tried everything, got the latstest drivers, cleaned everything and searched on this forum and internet alot. Also provided a video. The load cell is clearly broken. If only they could please send me a new one.

I get reply's from fanatec after waiting several days:


- As the first step, please make sure that the auto calibration mode is active/on.

- Please perform a firmware update for CSPV3 to firmware version 1.32:


- Please reset CSPV3 to default USB Settings:

https://youtu.be/T9lsHjNGfuw (a manual is attached, too).

After you have performed these steps, please try out all again. Please inform me via email, as soon as you have a result.


This company is so frustrating. I replied again if they could please send me a loadcell now because i tried all. Waiting for a reply again...............


  • Worst customer support I have ever experienced in my life. That’s not even an exaggeration.

  • the update control panel just bricked my 1 month old wheel base.......no phone number for support, no phone for anything, the only tech support option is an email submission form that says they will respond in a few days. wondering now if purchasing a Fanatec product was a horrible mistake, cannot imagine how a company can operate without anyway to provide tech support to actual customers.

  • Today i was in contact with Chris by phone and we had a really nice conversation with full understanding of our frustrations. They just sold a lot of wheels during the pandemic and are currently fixing their wait time. The best news is that you can call m again!

    They also dispatched a new loadcell to me this weekend.

  • This is positive news indeed. None of us customers wants Fanatec to fail and it can only be a good thing for us if their bottlenecks can get cleared and we can get help quickly.

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