CSW v2.5 Fan issues since beta 352 driver
Lee Roberts
Just wanted to know if anyone is experiencing there cooling fans not spinning up since beta driver 352 being installed. I'll be driving for a while and the fans don't come on. So I restart the wheelbase then the fans come on. But stay the same speeds. I had no issue with v346 beta fans would start up and ramp up speed while driving but no there not doing this. Could it be a fan issues in the wheelbase
Yes, please downgrade to driver 347 as 352 is not officially available for CSW.
Ok no worries cheers
Same problem here. After v352 drivers fan stopped coming on. Downgraded to v347 as suggested above, but still have the same problem. Do I need to go back to a certain firmware as well?
I had to downgrade the motor driver as well to v664. Then it was back to normal
Thanks, confirming going down to the previous firmware solved the problem on my end as well.
where i can find driver 347 ?
this is my status.
all my sw components of csw 2.5 are updated? check the image thx