CSW V2.5 Driftmode only up to +3


I cant change the driftmode higher than +3. When I go to the driver settings and to DRI I only can change it from -5 to +3 but I can slide the regulator completely to the right, only the number does not change and remains at 3. This even happens when I try to change it on the wheel. In fanalabs I can change it to 5 but i noticed no differents at all and on the wheel and the driver settings it stays at 3, thank you and sorry for the bad english :)

  • Wheel Base Model (product ID): CSW V2.5
  • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): CSL Elite Wheel P1
  • Driver Version: 365
  • Base FW Version: 672
  • Wheel FW Version: -
  • FanaLab Version: 1.23


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