CSL ELite Wheelbase duplicated

When I open the Fanatec wheel property page my wheel is listed twice. Did I mess up the driver install? Any idea how to remove the duplicate entry?



  • It will always be listed twice. You mean like, this, correct?

  • Please read the FAQ. It's normal since the CSW v2 was released years ago.

    It's because one usb device wouldn't be able to handle all the buttons and features of the advanced Fanatec wheels, therefore it needs two USB devices.

  • Ok. Just making sure I didn't fudge it up during the install.

    Care to link the FAQ you mention Maurice? I searched but couldn't find it.

  • edited April 2020

    It is only mentioned on the CSW 2.5 page

    Scroll down and look under the FAQ

  • Thanks for the help guys. 😀

  • VectorzVectorz Member

    OK, time for some very technical details here. The fact that this device shows up twice completely confused the DirectInput interface code that was written to accommodate wheels in general on driving platform being implemented with a project team. I started looking into it. While the FAQ and party line may be "oh, our stuff is just soooo advanced, we have to do that to overcome the inferior limitations of the technologies we're forced to deal with...." I personally would love a more technical explanation.

    I do not know about limitations of PS4 and the like and I get there may be some real issues there, but my concern is the DirectInput driver itself. I cannot imagine what limitations were being referred to in the FAQ. My issue with Fanatec is that they show BOTH devices as being force feedback enabled. That is a problem, because one of them very clearly is NOT. DirectInput throws an exception indicating the device is not recognized every single time you try to do anything force feedback related with it. I am interested in learning how games overcome this issue. How do they know which device is really the one that has the force feedback. They show up almost IDENTICALLY in terms of all the identifiers used to identify a device, except one. There is a single digit in the windows DirectInput Instance Guid that is different, and I have no way of knowing if that is a consistent value that I can rely upon across many installations with many wheels.

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