CSL Elite PS4 Wheel Base Updater hangs
I have an issue with the wheel base updater for my newly aquired CSL Elite PSA.
Driver Firmware installed OK
Detect device correctly
Starting firmware flash but wheel base updater seems to be hanging.
elbase keeps flashing blue/red but nothing happens anymore on the PC side :-(
What should I do next?
Thanks for your help
I just did th is 2 days ago. Looks complete to me?
The Wheel base didn't restart as expected. I had to disconnect and reconnect the USB cable for the PC to be able to connect again to the wheel base. After a restart of the wheel base it seems to be OK, but I still tells me that the WB is not up to date.
Relaunching the firmware update has the same effect but "nothing " is updated. WB is still in version 630 and does not change.
Is the version 630 the latest version?
I received my csl ps4 bundle this week and updated the firmware without problem. It now said 680 and 22. 630 was before the update.
Did you plug yours into a USB 2 or 3 port? Try a different port. I have mine on a USB 2 port.
USB 3.
I tried on different port but it made no difference.
Different usb 3 or have you tried a usb 2 port?
2 different usb 3 ports, I didn't try with an usb 2 port
Give it a try on an usb 2 port. You have nothing to lose.
I have now tried with another PC (32bit) with USB2 ports, but I have exactly the same sympthoms.
Does anyone have another idea what I could try?