Fanatec DD1 big occasioanl "clonks"

Hi all,

Just about a week ago I received my new Fanatec DD1 wheel base (I got the bundle with the Clubsport V2 Formula Wheel and Podium Paddle Shifters). I immediately noticed some big "clunk" sound coming out of the wheelbase when big ffb spikes happen. I made a quick video to show you my problem:

This happens quite often, in this particular case I had the following settings (running in iRacing):

FF: 50, LIN: OFF, NDP: 18, NFR: 2, NIN: 0, INT: 6, FEI: 100, FOR: 100, SPR: 100, DPR: 100, SHD: 100

In game force was about 4.5

Currently running:

PC Driver 381, WB FW: 680, SW FW: 38, WQR FW: 6.

Is this normal or my unit is faulty?

EDIT: Of course in the video I tried to intentionally recreate the problem, but during normal racing i get that same "CLUNK" in numerous occasions: when hitting a kerb harsly, when someone hits me, when crashing...


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