DD2 and usb cable interference

I have recently had an issue with the usb cable on my DD2.

Tests done with computer powered off.

  • if I unplug the cable and switch on the DD2 the steering works correctly as per the setting set.
  • if the usb cable is plugged in the steering is notchy. The wheel also reacts violently to any input. This was very danagerous and caused injury to my hands

test done with computer powered on.

  • if the usb cable is plugged in the steering is notchy. The wheel also reacts violently to any input. This was very danagerous and caused injury to my hands. If I go into the controller driver and view the steering position I can see the number change in jumps.

After lots of tests I changed the cable and the problem was solved. I have now tested the original usb cable and routed in away from and power cables and again have no issues.

Has anyone else had a similar problem.

would electrical interference with the original usb cable cause this issue.


  • some people have said grounding the rig seems to help similar issues as yours.

  • Finally got to the bottom of the issue, I checked the grounding of my rig with a multi meter in various positions and there wasn’t any grounding problems.

    The issue turned out to be my 10 plug strip. Firstly I tried a different power strip an the issue disappeared. I have a 1u server power strip with UK plug sockets. This was bolted to the rig. It looks like this was some how causing an issue. As soon as I removed it from the rig and placed it away all my issues were gone.

    So if you have any issues with a DD system try that first as it will save you a lot of time.

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