CSL Elite vs Clubsport
William Shead
I'm looking at getting a new wheel setup and tossing up between the CSL and Clubsport.
Basically my budget would allow for one of the following;
1- CSL + Wheel + Clubsport Pedals
2- Clubsport Base + Wheel + CSL Pedals with Loadcell Brakes
Which is the better option out of the two? Is the Clubsport base that much better, and then forego the upgrade on the pedals?
So many decisions.
I had the CSW Clubsport Base in the past, it's a very good wheelbase, there you have 8NM,
which gives you a líttlebit more headroom in terms of FFB clipping, compared to The CSL with 6NM.
(Normal torque for realistic steering feeling is most of the times around 4 - 8 nm, for GT3 cars for example)
I (still) have the Clubsport pedals which are the best on the market imo (together with rubber brake perfomance kit).
If you can't go for Clubsport base with Clubsport pedals, you have to ask yourself what's more important to you:
Thanks for the input mate. I think for now the upgraded pedals is going to be a lot more benefit to me than the upgraded wheelbase. It's replacing a Logitech G27 so the wheelbase is going to be a huge upgrade either way.
I also asked the question on a few other forums and got pretty much the same response. Also those Clubsport pedals are too sexy...
Yes either option is good, I would recommend to order the Brake Performance Kit V3
(the package with the green and red rubber springs)
together with the brake, it's really worth it, brings the brake to another level.