CSL DD cloncks or clicks



  • I have exactly the same issue and I've raised an RMA. I had been told that I need to send the base in too as I can't record a video, but I'm hoping the below photos which show the slipping of the lip of the QR1 lite from the grove has caused markings on the shaft will mean I don't have to send the base.

    I've been told that this will not happen with the replacement QR1 lite and that it's not a serial defect, so I've asked them to advise what the root cause analysis showed, and was done to rectify the issue. I've also asked that if the issue occurs again, then if I can be provided with a metal QR1, as the probability of it occuring twice on two separate products to the same person is incredibly low, if, of course, it's not a serial defect.

    I'll clear the markings and monitor again when/if the new one comes. Fanatec has to provide a product that works, I won't be taping equipment together I spent good money on.

    So far, the responses have been quick and polite, and the individuals have done all they can to help, but my experience as a first time consumer with fanatec has been poor. The product quality is far worse than expected. I had a missing cable from my CSL DD package, my CSL universal hub has faulted and needs to be returned after 2 months, and I'm getting this issue too.

  • I had same issue with GT DD Pro, both with the plastic QR1 lite and now with the QR1 metal (I'm also using the set screw). The clicking/clonking is much less with the QR1 metal but still there under hard FFB situations. It sort of sounds like it's coming from the wheelbase and not the connection from wheelbase to steering wheel. I've tried the electrical tape on the QR1 lite with no luck and also tried it with the QR1 metal but tape keeps bunching up because connection is much tighter with the metal version.

  • I had the issue again with the replacement QR1 lite, with new marks appearing where the shaft has been slipping. Will open yet another RMA. Happy to keep doing so until they offer an upgrade that works, presumably QR1 metal. I suppose the quicker they do so, the less expensive it will be for them to continually have to collect and ship replacement QR1 lites.

  • I have the same problem. Opened a ticket and I got a reply that this is "a feature, not a bug" and that QR2 is in development. Such a great response, I can't wait to buy a new product to resolve an issue with the gear I already bought.

  • JamKart22JamKart22 Member
    edited May 2022

  • I'm experiencing the same issue as you guys, got a lot of bullshit from the Support. Asked a lot of questions, they don't really want to answer them.

    "There is a slight tolerance with both parts, and this is intentional." - both means metal and lite.

    Thanks for nothing Fanatec.

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