Problem updating firmware for v2.5 wheelbase and motor

Hello, idk if this is the right place to ask but i'm hard stuck here.. I havent used my wheel for a couple years and wanted to mess around with it. The firmware on there is very old. Wheelbase 474 and motor is 18.

After clicking the update button, the fanatec firmware manager window and the smaller game controllers window just stop responding and hang. Trying to click on the manual update thing gives a please wait... message which also hangs forever.

I've tried everything I can think of including disconnecting the wheel, pedals, disabling every other program running including the antivirus, tried another PC with windows 7 instead of 10, tried connecting the wheel via different usb ports to the pc, and tried like 10 clean reinstalls of the 415 driver.. same result every time. I've ran out of ideas.... I'm scared to brick it at this point. Luckily once it hangs just turning the wheel off and restarting the pc seems to stop the process without breaking anything. Wheel seems to be working fine but I refuse to use 2-3 year old firmware.


  • ive reading a lot on the forums about people with similar issues but i still cant get this working, ive been trying older drivers but I can only try 412 and 410.. which also dont work. I want to try old versions like 402 but apparently they are not downloadable anymore? it says page not found.

  • Hi, today I faced a similar problem, spent half the night, until I came across an old bootloader and firmware fw639.hex in the bins. This helped to get out of bootloader mode. I can throw it off . But further I can not advance the chirbs to update the firmware completely on all components. The podium hub is not detected and I cannot update it now so that the buttons on the steering wheel work too.

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