[Solved] Formula v1 rim in low torque
Herbert Watson
Hi all. So after I updated my dd1 my formula v1 rim stays in low torque mode. My BMW GT2 rim goes into high torque. Any help will be greatly appreciated and
You need to downgrade the base firmware back to 684 by uninstalling driver 415, reinstalling 402 and doing a manual firmware downgrade as explained in the included instructions.
It's a known issue which nobody at Fanatec can reproduce so a fix is hard to provide and can still take a while.
Thanks that did it
hello guys
i have dd1 and rim bmw and mclaren.
with bmw high torque works fine. with mclaren steering wheel won't turn on with high torque.
there is some solution
690 base
42 motor
wheel 2
You have the metal QR mounted on the McLaren?!
Which Firmware of the McLaren are you using? Certainly not v2...
no, i used standard plastic qr
QR1 Lite Wheel-Side
Plastic QR only works in Low Torque as described everywhere in the webshop.
For High Torque you need the metal QR1.
So the "solution" for your "issue" is that you have to buy the QR1.
thx dude