CSL DD shaft movement and clunk (only up/down movement)

Hey wondering if anyone has any movement in the shaft of their CSL DD?

Mine is only happening when it’s centred, and when moving it up and down and has quite a noticeable clunk noise. Moving it while the wheel up and down while it is turned, or moving it left and right doesn’t result in movement.

This happens both with and without a wheel attached. It’s only minimal but wanted to make sure it was normal


  • edited November 2021

    I have the same "problem" it was minimal at the beginning now it's more audible. I have asked support if this is normal and should i be worried, waiting for an replay. Here is a video of the problem - it's more sound than anything else, but i cannot capture the feeling :)

    link: https://youtu.be/oqERpqe9pps (please crank up the volume)

    If support can answer here too it will be great.

  • I have the exact same problem as you stefan. it happens when i turn the wheel and is realy annoying. it destroys the smooth sensation and is not good experience. I will send support a message and hopefully they can help or can give an answer here maybe.

  • I have the exact same problem as you stefan.The same clunk sound as in his video.

  • Same here, it is in all directions.

    And it`s definitely in the shaft, you can also feel it when no wheel is attached.

    It is not minimal on my wheelbase.

  • edited November 2021

    I have received some instructions from support. They want me to reattach the metal shaft on the base, will give it a try and will report. Doubt it will resolve something. I thing the problem is on the other end of the shaft (in the back of the unit) not in the front.

    Edit: nah, they wanted me to reattach the holding bracket, or loosen it a bit. If it's loose it is better soundwise , but it's not an option, as the metal shaft is not tight enough in it's socket

  • I have test it withaut metal shaft and it is the same and the sound is form te backside.

  • Ok, i did som more research and found that it is actualy slack in the "key slot" on my plastic QR. so it is maybe not the same problem as in the video because i need some more force to make it happen. I put some electrical tape in the "key slot" that some people in other threads had suggested and it worked. Now because of my support ticket Fanatec wants me to send the wheel back for repair even tho i have figured out the problem. I sent them a message about sending me a new QR if that will help, but they are not able to do that apparently... The way i figured it out was to sett FF 100% in game and driver and driving and turning while holding my fingers where the QR meets the shaft in cayse anybody wanted to know.

  • They told me also that want to RMA the base and the wheel for further investigation. It will be a pain in the ..s, but i guess i will do it. I hope i will have it back before Christmas ....

  • I continued talking to support and they told me that this is not normal for the base, so i really need to send it to them. Best, to everyone that experience that issue, write to support. I hope that this is more of an isolated issue and not a major problem.

  • Ah interesting Stefan, that's the exact same clunk that mine does too: https://imgur.com/a/GEw9prd

    I'd messaged support previously and they said there were no abnormal sounds in my video, but I can send it to their workshop if I wanted it to be inspected. Definitely a pain for me too since I'd have to ship it from Australia...

  • I have the exactly same problem, just made a support request with videoclip showing the issue. Not sure if the problem was noticeable at first, but now it's obvious. I've had the wheelbase for about 1,5 months, would be strange if the shaft would wear out this fast.

  • Ok, I found the reason for the extra movement and clunking sound. Support requested me to take the black collar out and remove the outer axle. I did that and noticed some wear on the inner, black part (pictures attached). It seems the inner part starts to wear quite rapidly and causes the outer axle start to move up/down direction.

    I put the parts back and tightened the collar, now the issue is less pronounced but it's still there.

    At least there was no play on the inner axle, so at least for now it seems the problem is the connection wearing out between the outer and inner axle.

  • Ah interesting, I've taken mine apart and see a tiny bit of wear but not as much as yours. Putting it back together though and similar to yours - its still there but a lot less pronounced than before

  • Same for me.

    I think the clamp is the real problem. The clampdesign is terrible for this use case. The clamp can only apply full pressure on one side. It has a reason why automotive companys uses 2 part clamps for high pressure use cases.

    Whitout a mature redesign of the clamp or more precise production(the shaft has 1-2mm of play in either direction without clamppressure) the problem will stay.

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