csl dd verry bad (weak) steerlock ...


is it normal that when drifting, once u hit full lock u stil can turn the wheel furter .. with almost no force.

i dont know if its game related , something wrong with my dd or something that can/should be fixed with update?

or should i just upgrade the 8nm pack and this wil be fixed ?



  • Dominic BrennanDominic Brennan Member, Administrator

    Hi Kenji,

    The CSL DD has no mechanical rotation limiter. The lock stops are simulated via motor torque. Therefore the maximum force resisting your rotation at the end of the steering range is 5 Nm or 8 Nm, depending on your power supply. If the rotation forces of a countersteer during drifting are already at or near maximum, then indeed this artificial stop will feel like 'almost no force'. If you upgrade to the Boost Kit 180, but you still run the same settings, then your countersteering forces will be stronger, and the lock stops will be stronger, but still relatively like 'almost no force' for the same reasons.

    The only way to feel a significantly heavier stop is to run the in-game forces much lower than the maximum force available, then you will feel the difference. Of course with a more powerful maximum torque value (like 8 Nm), then running lower in-game settings becomes more acceptable. But if you really want a simulated lock stop that feels very strong, then you need a Podium base with 20 or 25 Nm torque (but even that is not the same as a mechanical limiter).

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

  • That's actually a great explanation, thank you. I had wondered about this myself.

  • Hey,

    Comparing the CSL DD and the CSL Elite back to back it feels as if the end stop, steering lock, on the CSL DD is a spring effect? It feels like once you get to your desired wheel ° the effect starts and ramps up the resting torque as you progress through the next 60°? Whereas on the CSL Elite as soon as you hit the desired wheel rotation ° the wheelbase resits with all available torque. Is this behaviour configurable at all? I personally prefer the constant force over the faded in one.



  • Dominic BrennanDominic Brennan Member, Administrator

    Hi Tim,

    The behaviour of the simulated end stop is not configurable. It is true that the CSL Elite's simulated end stop (on lower SEN vales than max) is more abrupt. As a result, it has quite a harsh bouncing effect when pushing against this limiter. The CSL DD's simulated end stop has more of a smooth ramp up to avoid this bouncing effect. The CSL Elite doesn't ramp up because it has a physical limit and torque ramp would reduce the available range.

    Making the end stop behaviour configurable is technically possible, but it would probably involve adding another Tuning Menu parameter, the value of which needs to be carefully considered. It is not a topic that comes up very often because many sims manage their own end stops on a per-car basis (and these are usually configurable in an INI file).

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

  • Hello to you.

    I find it important to have a stopper to stop the rotation of the steering wheel, I have the boost kit.

    I also drift and it is a problem not to have a stopper, it is really too light, even if I find this base really great.

    On assetto corsa there is the soft lock, the problem is that it bounces the steering wheel violently when it comes to a stop.

    Maybe you could improve the stop system via the base drivers?


  • Same problem on my side.

    If you go drifting with CSL DD in AC or if you just need to catch a big oversteer while racing normal cars the wheel slides to your hands way beyond the actual steering angle an you have to rotate it way more back than the car's max steering roation.

    That means that if you are drifting on full angle, the wheel has a prox. 90° dead rotation.

    I would love to see an option to set up this parameter.

  • Hi Dom,

    The spring-like end stop on the CSL DD has made it much more difficult to judge the end of the steering lock when drifting, which causes me to spin out a lot more frequently. Myself and a group of friends all drift in VR, and the lack of an abrupt end stop is affecting all of us far more than we expected.

    Please could this end stop adjustment feature be added in the next driver update? It would hugely improve the CSL DD for drifters and alike.

    Thanks 👍

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