DD2 rotates full 360 degrees on startup since last firmware update
Jesper Bon
Hi fanatec (users)
Since the 690 firmware my dd2 rotates a full circle on startup, this is not a problem on its own but normaly it only went like 45-90 degrees. the snatch is i have a custom wheel on my xbox universal hub and it has a seperate calbe. With the new full rotation this means the cable will be rotated fully around the wheel and the wheel thinks its dead center. Because of this everytime i have to remove the cable (which is a screw in) or i have to recenter the wheel to get it to be aligned properly. Can i fix this so i only rotates like it did before?
It's fine, it's because of the positional Sensor
Nothing you can do.
Oh that sucks, ill have to think of something to not have to remove the cable every time then. Thanks for the heads up, any reason it changed to a bigger rotation?
Is it possible to rollback to older firmware, this is really anoying as its now up to almost 540 degrees on startup.
Why dont you just rotate the wheel 360 in the opposite direction before turning it on? Not ideal but a simple work around.