V3 Load Cell be aware

edited January 2022 in Pedals

For current owner and potential new owner. I want you guys to be aware of the load cell failing. This is our second failure since purchased new in June 2020. First load cell failed in June of 2021 due to complete breakage at rivet (see first photo). This was covered with new replacement part (thanks Fanatec). Then second fail was a couple of days ago (see second photo). Not a complete break 'yet', but this hair line cracks already interrupted the load cells signals. Which we witness signal spikes and disconnect. Now you may think that we must have abused our unit. This is my son's exclusive pedals set and he is 130 lbs. 16 yo boy. He also treats his stuff with care. If this load cell is failing under this condition...I couldn't imagine how it would fair with a full grown adult . If you guys don't want your pedals fail during your race. I would inspect them for any current owners. For potential new owner you may want to review and compare others. I would look closely at their load cell design, does this design (rivet in to thin load cell strip...really??) to fail?

First failed:

Second failed:

I'm still a Fanatec fan. Love their product we still have their DD1 and a couple of their awesome wheels. Unfortunately the CS V3 Pedals, although looks great. The liability is simply not there. Imagine running endurance race and your pedals failed in the middle or worse yet last lap of the race! We just can't trust this pedals.

This is my true story and my experiences with our pedals. Others may find theirs in great working conditions and have no problem and I'm happy for you. I'm not knocking on anyone. And could be simply our bad luck. But this bad luck is pushing us away from Fanatec pedals.


  • I can't speak for the v3's but I've owned a set of v1's for about 11(!) years now, and they're still rock solid. Never had to change or replace anything on them (touch wood). Every now and then I'll need to clean some gunk and buildup away from the magnet sensors, but aside from that and the occasional bit of lubrication, they've been pretty much trouble free from day 1 until now.

  • Had mine over three years, thousands of hours on them. I'm 196lbs and 6' 5". I have brake pressure set to max. Mine are fine. :-)

  • That's great that yours is holding up. I'm jealous ;) Happy racing!

  • Gregg, thanks for sharing. That's awesome to hear that yours in great working conditions for over a decade (dang!) So Fanatec can make pedals that last 😉

  • Hopefully an isolated issue with a batch and mine will hold up. Haven´t read about that before.

  • Who should I go to in order to get a spare load cell for my v3?
    sorry for my bad English.

  • Would this potentially keep the pedals from being picked up connection wise via RJ12 to the base? All of a sudden, my pedals are no longer being detected,

  • I bought my V3 pedals February of 2022. I just had this failure yesterday in the exact same location as OP. Looking to order replacement load cell via Fanatec Support. Hopefully Fanatec will still offer the purchase of this part separately (still awaiting reply from support).

    Since this thread is comparing body types... I'm 34 years old, 6 foot at 165lbs. I typically miss leg day...

    As noted by OP, love the products overall... but this is a bit annoying. Really hope I don't run into this issue again with the replacement.

  • edited June 12

    I had same issue last night during ACC M2 qualifiyng session. My pedals are 2 months old, i used them on 85% of force. Body wise im 2 meter 103kg. Snapped on the exact same spot as OPs. Waiting for support reply….

    for some reason i got 403 error when trying to upload picture

  • My load cell has finally given up and caused no ends of problems resulting in too many unfinished GT7 Race Cs this week and a huge DR demotion!

    Is there a better and suitable replacement for the original or do I have to get a Fanatec part?

    If there is a better suitable part that will work, where can I get one??

    Thanks 😃

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