DD1 Firmware Failure

Setting up my rig and the Fanatec App said my drivers and firmware needed to be updated. I followed the directions as the app instructed me to do, and the firmware installer failed and locked up my system.

After this happened when powering on the wheel the wheel itself does not spin nor does the lcd display stay on after the wheel is turned on.

I have tried to update the firmware a number of times. Each time it fails.

I try bootlogger mode and it has the flash firmware option. It says the firmware has been loaded successfully.

I hit flash firmware and it says that the firmware was erased and has been located successfully.

That box goes away then a second box appears. It says to power the wheel off

it also has this in the message logs

Wireless Quick Release Update Mode

Error: Connect device failed(Error: Initial ping failure: No response received for ping command.).

Power OFF the wheel base and retry update.

If the problem persists, please contact FANATEC support.

I have tried this over and over and it is still the same result.


  • Hi Hoyt,

    For me i hate forums and i am never active. This one hurts everyday so im online everyday.

    I think you tried to instal driver 434?

    Driver 434 in combination with DD1 is not ment to be. I have also problems. After a several days i finally got a response from Fanatec with the message they are working on it. Before the problem is solved they say you can fix it by downgrading to driver 415.

    My problem was dissolved with a manual instal of the firmware.

    I maybe found a solution for your problem.

    1. Delete recent Fanatec driver.
    2. Remove all fanatec devices in the control center -> hardware manager.
    3. Turn off DD1 and unplug all cables for wheel base (including pedal and shifter), except for power code and USB cable.
    4. Install an old Fanatec driver contains WQR firmware version 6. I installed beta driver 381 RC version.
    5. Reboot
    6. Run Fanatec control center. Then you can see a pop up message to notice WQR firmware update.
    7. Run firmware update for WQR only.
    8. Delete the old driver and re-install a recent driver. (so driver 415 maybe a good option)

  • I tired that. The wheel turns on and off. When it turn on the wheel does not turn and the screen goes blank.

    When going back to the older drivers as you mentioned when I go to search for the wheel in the fanatec updater the wheel does not appear. It does not appear in the connected hardware.

    It only acts like it is connected when I boot it up in bootlooger mode. It says the firmware is installed but it goes back to the same error over and over.

  • Hi,

    Can you please try again and contact support for this?

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