PS4 DD1 F1 Podium wheel and buttons not working.

A while back I was doing a race and my paddles just stopped working. I restarted the wheelbase and everything was fine so I thought nothing of it.

Now every now and again when I start it up the buttons don't work to allow me to enable torque mode so I have to restart it which is no big deal and thankfully hasn't happened in a race.

However I just watched a video by Spartan racing where this has happened to him and in the end resulted in him replacing his DD1.

Is this a common issue and is it due to the new firmware or something and more importantly is it going to get worse over time?

btw It also seemed to start happening after I bought a new wheel but all the pins look fine.


  • Same happens to me yesterday...

    Really upsed... payed a high price, for a quality product, and this problems are concerning me.

    The best of all, Im from Brazil, and I dont have how to send it to Fanatec, if needed.

  • Hi John,

    I have also the same problem with my Podium DD1. Post a couple of posts on this forum. Actual the only official response i got is they are working on it and you could downgrade to driver 415 to solve the problem. Which driver do you use?

    Please let me know.

  • Mike, do you have the drive? or where can I found it?? And a tutotiral to how can I be unninstalling the 434 and the 415 to be installing it???

  • When a Wheel is no longer working (so no shifts and no button Inputs) but FFB and/or Pedals and general steering in game are still possible then it's not a Software but a hardware issue where the wheel looses contact to the base (can happen because of too much flex where the pins get disconnected for a fraction of a second for example) and you would need to get in contact with the support to get the base repaired or exchanged.

  • Where can I find older drivers?

  • Is there a tutorial, please?

    Im on the driver 434... and wanna go back to the 415... can somebody help me?

  • There is a manual included which explains driver uninstalls and installs, yes.

    Its basically a regular Windows application so can be uninstalled and installed like every other Windows application.

  • ok, than you... I just need to download de 434 version and unninstal it???

    After that... download 415 and install it?

  • You already have the 434 installed I assume so you dont need to download it again.

    Just go into Windows settings, Apps, uninstall the Fanatec Control Panel, restart PC, download and install driver 415, restart, open Fanatec Control Panel, go to Firmware Manager, click Manual Update right top and then manually downgrade each Firmware for Base, Motor and Wheels.

  • ok, thank you so much.... at home gonna dowload the 415 and try to do it...


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