Problem with Fanatec GT DD Pro when wheel connected, power button color cycling.

So, wondering if anyone has had the same problem and if there is a way to fix it... Being without a wheel right now is some real bad timing... I was playing GT7 when i suddenly get a message that the controller had disconnected, then the power button on the GT DD Pro base cycled from blue to red light I then tried power cycling the wheelbase but it just boots up, do the calibration and the light starts doing the same. When i connect the wheelbase to the PC its not detected be either by Fanatec control panel or device manager. However if i remove the Wheel from the base everything works as it should do, it calibrates and it goes into the mode it was last in, Fanatec control panel detects it and you can switch through the normal modes with the power button, however the second i connect the GT wheel the fault comes back. It's a real bummer and unfortunately i do not have any other wheels to test with to find out if it is the base or the wheel there is something wrong with...

Any similar experiences ? I have started a ticket with fanatec but if anyone have experienced this and can help me get back racing again i would be really really grateful.


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