Fanatec DD1 360° calibration after start
Fabian Menke
I noticed a while ago, that the DD1 wheelbase turns the wheel 360° to the right after the start. It´s always the same direction. I am pretty sure, that it was earlier a bit to the left and a bit to the right and then was the calibration finished.
So I am little bit confused, why this calibration behavior changed and could this cause problems with the wiring in the wheelbase (the connector to the wheel) ? I mean, when I would 1000x turn off and on the wheelbase, it would 1000x turn to the right ?!?!?!
That's perfectly fine.
Some bases turn 40 degrees to the right and then back to center, some do a full Rotation. Has something to do with where the positional sensor is placed in Relation to the QR placement.
Both is fine.
ok thanks