Centre weight

Hello, I’m having what I think is an issue with the centre of the wheel. I have to physically hold the wheel in the centre. When I let go it drops 3 degrees left or right. I can feel it when I’m racing and it makes going down a straight or lining up a corner very difficult. I assume

it should t feel like this. Any help I’d appreciate.


  • Which wheel base?

  • If it's a CSL DD/DD Pro it won't sit perfectly level due to the positioning of the motor magnets. This is normal, mine does it but it's not an issue because I'm holding it all the time.

  • It’s the GT DD Pro. So are you meant to be able to feel it whilst racing? As when I’m driving down a straight the wheel wants to sit right or left of centre and if you turn the opposite way you feel a bump… I get the wheel can sit off centre but seem strange you’d have a lump in the wheel whilst steering

  • Stephen JayStephen Jay Member
    edited April 2022

    No, there shouldn't be a bump when steering. Have you tried it after turning the FFB off completely to see it it's the same? Is the wheel secure on the shaft, like no movement if you hold the shaft and try to move the wheel?

  • Good shout I’ll try turning the FFB off however I can still feel it when the wheel is turned off. Wheel seems secure yea. There seems to be a lot of people with the issue, 1 persons resolved it but can’t remember how :(

  • Do you know how I can remove the latest firmware so I can try reinstalling it?

  • Feeling slight bumps rotating the wheel when powered is off is normal because of the magnets, even mine does that.

    Not had to roll back the firmware so can't help I'm afraid. What driver is installed? I updated to 440 the other day.

  • I’m on 439, when I go to website it says 439 is the latest. Any ideas where to get 440? Ahh ok it’s still there in game too

  • Legend I’m trying it now 👌

  • Unfortunately hasn’t worked. I might try dropping back to an older version but need to understand how to remove the current update

  • Dominic BrennanDominic Brennan Member, Administrator

    Hi Lewis,

    You can just uninstall the driver and install another one, you can flash the firmware from the Firmware Manager. It might tell you that you have newer version of the firmware, but you can force it to flash to the older version. You normally have to flash both the wheel base and motor firmware in order to be properly rolled back.

    But I don't recommend doing this, it should not change the behaviour of the base. What you're describing sounds normal. Could you add a video to demonstrate what is happening? Also your Tuning Menu and in-game settings would be helpful.

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

  • Hello Dominic,

    Since trying the update I don’t seem to be getting any power to my base. I’d left it to update whilst I went out came back and I’m not getting anything other than It starts it’s calibration then nothing… I’ve tried taking the power out and plugging it back in… I’m assuming that’s not a good sign.

  • I’ve managed to get it into boot loader mode so I’m just running the update again 🤞

  • I’ve got power back, I’ve been able to reinstall the software. I assume it had failed.

    i can’t get a file type to upload so I’ve loaded it to YouTube, not sure if it is clear but im putting the wheel back to centre and you can see it drop either direction.


  • I think I’ve sorted it…. And I am dumb just putting it out there. My in game settings had a steering dead zone of 1 which was causing it…. Sorry to waste all your time people I’ll hang my head in shame!

  • No probs, we've all been there at some point. Glad it looks like you've sorted it.

  • Thanks again for all your help and hopefully this might just help some others out 😂

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