Woke up to my Formula 2.5 wheel / CSL DD base vibrating and buzzing...

It wasn't really loud, but it was definitely weird and loud enough to be audible over a background level of noise in a quiet morning. I don't know how long through the night or morning it had been vibrating / buzzing for, but when I turned on my PC I was greeted with this message:

It wouldn't of course turn off by holding in the normal power switch to the right of the wheel, so in the end I had to pull the power cable out of the back of the wheel base. When I reinserted the power cable and turned it back on, eveything so far appears to be normal again, though I haven't tried out the wheel yet.

Has this occurred to anyone else? Should I be worried?

(I think from now on I will leave the wheel in an off state all the time.)


  • This happened to my DD1 a couple of times but somehow I managed to force a reconnect by swapping USB SLOTS. Eventually though, it completely died and was RMA'd. Never did find out why it did this. Malfunctioning comms board or something.

    Are you saying you leave the wheelbase on 24/7? If so, probably not a good idea in this climate with rising fuel prices at least. Waste of electricity and, ultimately, money.

  • I no longer leave the wheelbase on.

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