DD Pro Wheel won't turn on anymore

i played normally yesterday. today, the wheel won't turn on anymore. no reaction of the LED and wheelbase at all. power adapter is showing the blue LED and the power button feels "normal". i already opened a support ticket, but seeing as response time can be quite high, i want to try my luck here as well.

any ideas? just the thought of not being able to race for the next weeks makes me sad. :-(


  • edited March 2023

    update: after lots of tinkering, it turned on again! i don't know why though. it came back after i switched the power adapter to the original "5nm" version, but this still did not work. upon re-plugging the "8nm" power adapter and a last desperate try to push the power button for the 100th time - it went back to life.

    i'm afraid this might happen again.. do you think it is a problem with the plug on the wheelbase? the cable never got moved though before the wheel went dark..

  • Did you ever figure this out? I just tried to turn on my CS DD to find it dead with no power light on the base, despite the power LED being on on the power brick and the LCD on the wheel turning on.

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