how do i switch the modes on csw v2.5 with carbon f1 wheel ? also question about updating the driver
Racer fast
i dont know what buttons to press on the wheel to switch to compatibility mode .the manual didnt seem to help.
Also, i already install the driver software for fanatec and yesterday there was an update which seems to be the same installer files. Do i uninstall everything first before installing this driver file or do i just run the file overwrite the old one? again the manual didnt tell me the specifics about the update process.
Thank you for answering
This is explained in the Quick Guide of the wheel:*1pu84xy*_up*MQ..*_ga*NjA0Mzc5MDU1LjE2ODc0NjEwOTA.*_ga_Q6VYC4JPVE*MTY4NzQ2MTA4OS4xLjAuMTY4NzQ2MTA4OS4wLjAuMA..
Thanks Maurice , unfortunately pressing those buttons together for 1 second or more didnt do anything. if there another method? perhaps you can tell me as well if i need to uninstall current driver before updating? that might solve my issue because the i cant get the wheel to work in AMS2 together with logitech pedal. I could get either one to work but not in combination.
from my fanatec control panel
"New Driver availble" -i want to update to 451 but not sure if i need to uninstall everything or just overwrite the installation
Wheel Base: 692
Wheel Base Motor:22
Both systems are fine.
The important thing is that you follow the instructions and procedure exactly when flashing the firmware, if it is required by the new driver. That's the dangerous part of the process.