HELP! CSL DD 5nm issues when connected to xbox...

Hey all! Finally got myself my first rig and got all excited to use it with a bunch of games but I cant get it to work...

My Rig (All Fanatec)

CSL DD 5nm

Clubsport Universal hub V2 for Xbox

Clubsport Shifter

Clubsport Handbrake

CSL pedals lc


When I plug it into my Xbox its as if there in an 'up' button constantly being pressed (in menu). If I press the acc pedal it moves down but then goes straight back up, even if I hold the acc pedal it just flicks between the two...

What I've tried so far...

Disconnecting all wheel add-ons

Updating the firmware on PC

Disconnecting everything from the Xbox

Plugging it in once a game is loaded

Removing the hub

Checking the pins on the universal hub

The only thing that works is removing the whole hub via quick release, however once I do that nothing works because it goes out of Xbox mode, as soon as its reconnected it goes straight back to glitching out...

Any help you guys can give would be greatly appreciated 🙏



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