Podium DD1 PS4 / Fan 100% No FFB After Upgrade

I am talking with Fanatec support; their responses take way too long, are generally useless, and am basically waiting for them to tell me to pay to send my base back to get it fixed.

Last week upgraded to the latest version of the driver/firmware and the next time I used my wheel base I was hit with 100% fan running with no FFB at all. After days of going back and forth with support I started to do a little research myself. It seems a lot of people have been able to resolve similar situations with downgrades of motor/base firmwares. I am hoping that someone has a appropriate firmware/process that gets me to a workable state.


  • I went through process of downgrading the firmware/driver and then updating to the latest version. No luck.

  • edited July 2023

    Your Motor Temp gets read out as 0°C - therefore the Fan runs at 100%.

    This means your Temp Sensor is damaged and you will need to wait for the support as its a hardware issue which needs to be repaired.

  • Thank you for the quick, definitive answer. Appreciate it.

  • I know that this is beating a dead horse here, but if someone from Fanatec reads, your support sucks. Period. There's no way to sugar coat it. They're likely understaffed. Fix that. I've been trading e-mails back and forth for a week and I offered to pay out of warranty at the beginning.

  • It took a year but your support finally returned my wheel base after I refused to pay full price to have it fixed. But you sent me back a bad power supply unit, so it quite literally is a brick at this point. It would be nice if someone could actually send me a working power supply.

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