No wheel rotation after reinstalling windows
I have a fanatec cs dd + csl lc pedals, shifter, and formula v2.5 wheel
I had no issues with the setup previously in windows 11
I reinstalled windows 10 and now get no force feedback or wheel rotation
Using driver 451, when I installed it, it asked me to update the firmware, no issues
Motor firmware had some struggle updating but eventually updated successfully
All buttons work on both wheels, all other devices work as expected.
Wheels are detected properly
All firmware shows it's up to date motor base
46 wheel quick release
Tried with p1 wheel and formula v2.5 wheel
Tried to downgrade to driver 451, this then shows me the motor on firmware 0 but sometimes it shows it as up to date
Reinstalled firmware on both the motor and the wheel base with driver 451 successfully. I have a lot of issues getting it to update the motor firmware but it will eventually do it successfully. I even forced it using manual update when it showed it as up to date.
Run out of ideas, seems that it's the motor that's at fault as that would explain no rotation and ffb but why would it just suddenly stop working now. Doesn't seem bricked
Installed 447 driver and tried to downgrade the firmware, managed to downgrade the wheel base but not the wheel base motor. It always throws some problem connecting.
447 still shows the same issues at 450 and 451
I've attached the logs for the failure to connect to downgrade the motor firmware
I also tried a manual uninstall of the drivers using device manager, reset the windows controller to default. The windows controller settings also shows no rotation of the wheel but all other buttons working.
Finally did manage to update the motor firmware, and nothing has changed, no ffb and no wheel rotation. Everything else is working as expected
Driver 451 motor base
46 wheel quick release
Driver 447 base
1.0.22 motor firmware
46 wheel quick release
Run out of ideas if anyone can help out