RMA sequence

Hi everyone, I would like to ask how the RMA process takes place once the package has arrived for assistance. Will Fanatec notify me of the repair or replacement and subsequent shipment?


  • In my case I did not receive any type of communication. After exactly one month, UPS brought me back the wheelbase and steering wheel. I never knew what was actually done.

  • Fantastic 🙄

  • CSL DD buyed the 8 september, delivered the 18 september. Same day, after 1 hour of game on ACC, smoke and smell from the base. 20 september shipped, 27 september arrived dlivered at Fanatec. And now, after 1 months after the purchase i'm playng with G29. Of my base nothing, no notice, just "be patience". The tecnical problem can appen but the customer service of fanatec it's orrible. The fanatec site don't hane a section to follow the repairing status, staff responding (maybe) too late at the mail. One month form my purchase and don't have nothing in my hands. Terrible experience.

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