Fanatec DD1 motor calibration problem

Hello friends , i'm italian user , and i have this probLem with my DD1 :

Can you help me?


  • As most of us dont understand your language... No idea what you are talking about in the video...

    The motor calibration looks fine. Your base just has the Torque Output disabled because you pressed the power button. Just press it again to enable Torque again.

  • edited October 2023

    Use advanced setups, and SEN 1080 instead of AUTO. Redo the calibration and you will see that it will go as you say. But that's already fine because the motor moves just enough to calibrate the sensor.

    While driving you feel the "resistance" because NDP set to 50 kills the FFB, that's exactly what NDP does, it creates resistance to the movement of the steering wheel. Anything above 0 is too much, but if you really fancy NDP, 20 is the maximum value you should use.

  • i'm italian sorry.....the motor calibration is corrected ?

    new video in english (sorry for my bad english :D )

  • edited October 2023

    You did not understood the intention of the motor calibration.

    The motor calibration is to eliminate cogging, thats it. So it calibrates an Anti-Cogging-Filter and not the steering range. It has absolutely nothing to do with the position etc. Therefore it does not need to go full 540° to one side and full 540° to the other side. Its enough to just turn a few degrees to either side, the calibration routine checks how big the cogging steps are and elminiates it with a special anti-cogging-filtering. Thats all the calibration is doing.

    You need to tighten the clamp in order to do the motor calibration. The clamp is not tightened at all for you. Once you tighten the clamp and run the calibration everything will be correct.

    Follow the steps as explained in the manual for reference.

  • edited October 2023

    I dont understand what you are doing in the third video... You are completely overcomplicating things here. Why do you always want to erase and re-calibrate something? I never used these buttons in the driver - ever, other than for testing purposes.

    The wheel center calibration needs to do ONCE after a Base Firmware Update and then only when you are not happy with the center anymore. You dont have to do the calibration one time without the wheel and another time with the wheel.

    One time is absoilutely enough.

    The motor calibration is also fully correct as it is - absolutely no issue at all here.

    And now lets leave the motor calibration on its own... Its NOT needed to erase the motor calibrate at all - ever.

    A motor calibration is ONLY needed after a motor Firmware update, which happens super rarely. Since the launch of the Podium Bases 5 years ago there were only 4 or 5 new motor firmwares, so 1 per year.

    Just leave the motor calibration as it is and dont touch it ever again manually. Once a new Motor Firmware might be avaiilable sometime in the future, you will be asked automatically to do the motor sensor calibration after the motor firmware update, no need to erase anything anymore.

    PS: You also need to accept the Torque messager which the base is constantly showing you, otherwise you will not unlock the High Torque Mode but you are limited to Low Torque Mode...

    PPS: You should use the manual pedal calibration mode, not the automatic mode.

  • edited October 2023

    i working on G7 . calibration it's ok, but i have strange FFB return ...

  • edited October 2023

    What exactly is the issue? That the wheel returns to center?

    That is normal in GT7 which uses the SPR setting of the Tuning Menu to center the wheel in the game menus (Note: SPR does not have any effect while driving). As you use the Standard Tuning Menu, the SPR setting is hidden for you and hard-locked to a value of 100.

    If you dont want the wheel to return to center, then switch into the Advanced Tuning Menu (open the Tuning Menu and then press and hold the Tuning Menu Button for 3 seconds, then go into one of the 5 Setups - do NOT use the Auto Setup, its not supported on console). Then head over to the SPR setting and set SPR from 100 to OFF. Then the wheel will never return back to center in game menus.

  • ah ok !!! so you're telling me that with the standard settings it's normal for the wheel to return to the center???

    I usually use the advanced settings and in fact this problem didn't exist!!! then since I reset I left the tuning menu in default and I left it like that because I notice that I drive better!! (I'm still not very expert to be able to use the advanced settings)

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