dismal consumer service - no response after 21 days -appeal to the European Disputes Commission

hello everyone, I would like to inform you of the nullity of Fanatec customer service. I have a new Mc Laren steering wheel with a faulty gear paddle. I made a request the same day it was received, 21 days ago now and still nothing!!!! deplorable.

I made a complaint to the European Disputes Commission. For a so-called big company this is totally abnormal.

I incurred costs and today I can no longer use my equipment because at Fanatec, no one responds!!

and here there are people who work at Fanatec and who have the courage to respond ?


  • I placed my order for QR2 products middle of sept and have not heard anything since. Tried to follow up a week ago and still nothing. There is also no facility on their website to do anything about an order and no communication from Fanatec either. I guess they dont need us as customers so i will take my business elsewhere.

  • Contact your payment provider for a refund if you can't wait.

  • J’attends toujours mon volant depuis le 30 août, il ont envoyé ce lundi un mail pour me dire qu’ils avaient du retard et des problèmes depuis quelques mois , je pense que ce mail était envoyé pour calmer, mais depuis lundi aucune nouvelle aujourd’hui vendredi , j’ai déjà fait le deuil de mes 200€ et de mon volant depuis 2 mois que j’attends , ça me dégoûte tellement que je ne me sert plus du matériel acheté 1000€ en juin , je pensais que les allemand étaient rigoureux et droit, je me suis trompé et j’en ai eu la preuve avec ces guignols de fanatec , complètement incompétent avec leur site qui ressemble à une arnaque sur lequel tu envoies des belles somme d’argent et rien en retour, les chinois sont bien plus efficace, le monde a changé.

  • D'accord avec toi, mais je pense que le volant tu l'auras. Leur gros problème est la communication, c'est de la merde. Moi j'ai changé plein de choses et dépensé de l'argent pour quitter le monde du pc et aller sur xbox et je ne peux même pas jouer.

    J'ai les boules. La semaine prochaine je vais voir avec ma CB visa et ma banque si je peux avoir un remboursement.

    Fais chier

  • You should check their plummeting share price..Fanatec is a company that will soon hit $1 per share...

    25 years in the sim business....you think they'd get it right by now..

  • 50% off they charge is at they own. not sure if that matters much, 41% is free, that means only 9% money is from others

  • Joseph WaltonJoseph Walton Member
    edited October 2023

    I contacted their customer service one month ago, and still no response. I'm in the USA, so this is a global issue. They are really good at taking your money, no delays there. But have an inquiry? Customer Service representatives cost Fanatec money, something they don't appear to want to invest in.

  • I am in Australia and put an order in on Saturday and it is already on its way to me. Prior to that i made an order at end of September and it took almost a month to get to me. Looks like things may finally be moving now in Fanatec land.

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