Keine Vibration bei ABS No Vibration when ABS is active

Ich habe das Problem , dass bei ACC das Bremspedal nicht vibriert wenn das ABS regelt.

Im Tuning Menü von Fanalab ist es aktiviert, die V3 sind via usb an den PC angeschlossen.

BLI steht bei mir auf off, ich weiß allerdings auch nicht wo man das ändern kann?? Wird im Tuning Menü nicht angezeigt.

Der Vibrationstest funktioniert ohne Probleme.

Hat jemand eine Idee?


  • Please post in English according to the forum rules.

    The pedal vibrations for USB Pedals are currently broken on the most current version.

    It will be fixed in either the next version or the version after the next one.

  • edited December 2023

    If the BLI (Brake Level Indicator) is switched to off, than the the rumble Motor of the brake won't work!

    You have to Set the BLI on the Value where you want the rumble motor start to rumble.

    You can Set/change these Value via the tuning Menue on your Wheel or your hub. Even in Fanalab you can change these value for each of the five Profiles.

    For example, if you Set the BLI to 80% than the Motor Starts rumbling when you step on the brake Paddel and reach 80% brakeforce or more.

    You can Test the Funktion of the rumblemotor directly in fanalab if the V3 are connected to the PC via USB.

    And keep in Mind: the Motor dont starts when the ABS InGame starts working, it only Starts if you reach the specific Brakeforce with your Brakepaddle you set before with the BLI.

  • edited December 2023

    That's incorrect.

    BLI has nothing to do with Telemetry based vibrations from FanaLab.

    BLI is a fake vibration effect purely based on Brake pedal input, it is completely unrelated to telemetry so has nothing to do with ABS vibrations not working, that's purely a Fanalab issue of the current version.

  • Oh okay so it's not possible to let the pedal vibrate only when abs is working?

  • edited December 2023

    It is, with the next Fanalab version or with the previous version, just not with the current version.

  • Ah okay, thank you for the quick answers!

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