Fanatec still wont' send me my RMA information for my CSL DD 5nm, please help

I opened an RMA ticket over 10 business days ago to get the USB C slot on the inside of the wheelbase fixed. I had already gone through all of the steps to try and fix it myself when Fanatec opened up an RMA, they said, and then sent an email that said they would send me a separate email with my RMA label and info on it.

It has been 8 business days since they told me that I would receive a response withhin 5-7 business days. According to Fanatec I am just waiting for an email from them that has my RMA information on it and a label to print out so I can send my base back to get the USB C slot repaired. I have no other way of trying to reach them. I was told to stop responding to the email that I had been talking to "Sanel" in.

This has been going on since December 26th and I have not used my Fanatec setup or raced at all (because the base is broken) since then. It is now late January, and I am being told by Fanatec to wait for an RMA email and label that was suppsoed to arrive in my inbox already. I'm sorry if this is just another woe is me post, and everyone is going through some difficulty, but I just want to get someone at Fanatec to help me get my gear sent off to them so I can get it repaired. I'm not on here to bash Fanatec or talk about wishing I'd gone with another comapny, I just want to get my gear fixed and race, whether it's covered under Warranty or not. I've tried not to bother them as I know they're busy, but I just don't know what else to do. Sorry for the long rant, brevity is not one of my strong points.

Thank you!


  • I have been the same as you since December 25. Since that message of yours about waiting for the RMA, it took me 14 days to send it....

    The problem is that they sent it to me, to pay for everything myself, without labels, and it is all under warranty.... I have written to them saying that everything is under warranty and I am still waiting. I've been dealing with this since that day, and they've only written to me three times in the last month, 1 message per week.

    BE PATIENT, You have no choice but to be one, and consider lost for at least two months at a minimum

  • See, that's crazy to me, they shouldn't be able to screw us over like that. In no way do I see Fanatec trying to make this right. This was a hobby I was excited to save up and get into, but, due to their lack of service and communication and I'll just have to forget about picking this up as a hobby. I don't mean to sound all "woe is me", but it's the truth, I can't financially justify going out and buying another sim base and wheel since I just spent what I saved up on the PC Ready 2 Race bundle.

  • It's really a shame, but I personally can't do anything, I feel helpless. I have tried to call them, and the phone does not work. There is no choice but to send them messages, and hope that they answer you when they feel like it... it's horrible. I've been like this since December 25th...and I'm at the same point I was. With my WHEEL BASE in the box, 1,500 euros, pending shipping and repair.....What do you think?

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