Do i need qr2 base side for qr1 wheel side?

I bought a fanatec csl dd bundle but after buying it and clicking on order i see that qr1 lite will be available in 2 months. Now i think about canceling my order and ordering bundle with QR1 wheel-side (non lite version) but the store offers QR2 Base-Side (type c). Do i need it for set to work? Also how long does it take for me to get money back after canceling order?

heres screenshot of my shopping cart and part store offers


  • But according to the screenshot, you bought a QR1 and not a QR1-Lite. The QR1 is available. Stick with what you ordered. The Qr1 is also perfectly adequate. I myself have had it for years and am satisfied. If you change your wheels every day, then think about a QR2. In the current situation, however, I would advise against canceling the secure order and hoping for a quick refund...

  • edited January 30

    no, the screenshot i posted is not my order, its my shopping cart that i made today. my order looks like this. I think i have no option but to cancel and make a new order because i am not willing to wait 70 days for steering wheel. Im upset that the store didnt show me qr1 lite is unavailable before making an order.

  • I personally can't recommend the QR1-lite! I only had problems with this one. Then I would really cancel the order and order a new one including the QR2.

    If you are from Germany and still really want the QR1 lite: . I still have a Qr1 lite in its original packaging in the garage... :-D

  • Unfortunately im not from Germany, but is there any difference beetwen normal qr1 (not lite) and qr2? is the difference worth another 50 euro and 2 weeks of waiting (it shows that qr2 wil be available on 14th of february)

  • I believe the QR1 is a upgrade to QR1 Lite which is included with the wheel. You would only need the QR2 Base Side if you were purchasing the QR2 Wheel Side.

  • Maysor SternyMaysor Sterny Member
    edited January 31

    Hallo das gleiche Problem habe ich auch.

    Das kuriose daran ist das, das BMW Lenkrad QR1 Lite Wheel-Side in der Verpackung hat. ( Vorinstalliert )

    Dann musste aber das Wheel nicht mehr verfügbar sein.

    Ich warte jetzt erstmal die 7 Werktage ab. Die es dauert.

    Und dann entscheide ich.

  • I would order QR1 as the simplest solution at the moment -*e3a1a6*_up*MQ..*_ga*OTgyMDgxNzEuMTcwNjg2MTMwMA..*_ga_Q6VYC4JPVE*MTcwNjg2MTI5OS4xLjAuMTcwNjg2MTI5OS4wLjAuMA..

    if you order QR2 for your steering wheel (wheel side) then you must upgrade your base to QR2 base-side accordingly which increases total cost. For items you showed in the cart QR1 is sufficient.

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