csl dd bmw bundle fanatec told me cancel but then don't respond

I ordered the csl dd bmw bundle on january 16th and never got shipping so posted on fb and fanatec responded saying the order is on hold due to qr1 lite being backordered until march. Well on my order it does not say my qr1 lite is on back order and the order is handover to warehouse status since january 16th. I posted on facebook trying to get info since the system on here gets no reply. Fanatec on FB said to cancel my order and reorder with the qr1 non lite version which will be slightly more expensive but can ship now. well since my order is in handover to warehouse status how do i cancel and reorder? or is my order going to ship since it does not say march under my qr1 lite order. Frustrated as I ordered this bmw bundle to hold me over until the dd+, v3 pedals, sparco monte carlo rally wheel, qr2 pros arrive and now I just feel like calling my bank for fraud and going to another company if I don't get an answer this week for my in stock csl bundle


  • I dont even know what to tell you, i am in the same situation.. i cant cancel because handover to warehouse, and fanatec wont respond to my emails. idk what to do anymore

  • well on friday i am calling my bank for fraud

  • under contact i can't even cancel the order because it says i get the captcha i am not a robot thing right.......trying to redorder csl this is stupid

  • I’m in a similar position and Fanatec won’t respond to emails.

    I’ve escalated through PayPal and I’m reporting to trading standards in the UK. It’s unbelievable how these things escalate unnecessarily just because Fanatec refuse to answer emails.

  • Maysor SternyMaysor Sterny Member
    edited January 31

    Schreibe einfach eine mail mit Storno. Ganz nett und lieb.

    Antwort braus du doch nicht.

    Und glaube dein Stratus Wirt sich von, Übergabe an das Lager, zu storniert ändern. 5 tage stand irgendwo.

    Und dein gelt bekommst dann auch wieder. 20 Tage.

    Hoffe konnte dir helfen

    Sind alles nur Vermutungen bin nicht die Firma.

    Ich muss jetzt 2 Monate warten hab auch heute erst bestellt und mitbekommen das der QR1L nicht da ist.

    Obwohl er bei dem BMW Vorinstalliert sein soll. BMW CSL DD

    Habe auch angst das er dann bis und weiter hinaus nicht verfügbar ist.

    Und ich muss warten

    Ist das preiswerteste Produkt.

    Und auch das öko System ist preis wert.

    Sehr viele Lenkräder für 200-300 das hat kein anderer

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