Clubsport DD bricked after firmware update

I just got my DD a few weeks ago. I was finally able to set everything up recently but, upon trying to update the firmware, it looks like my base bricked and now nothing is being recognized by the control panel. I have tried everything (to my knowledge) that could fix this and have had no success. My base will still turn on and calibrate when connected to both power and my computer, but is not recognized in the software. It's also worth noting that, before I tried to update the firmware, everything was recognized by the control panel and appeared totally fine.

For reference, this is everything I have tried to fix it:

Reset all connections/power, and tried connecting base to different ports on my pc

Tried repairing driver multiple times

Completely uninstalled driver 455, created new folder in a separate location on my pc, and reinstalled

Uninstalled/Reinstalled the control panel software itself, no luck

I'm genuinely lost as to what else to try. I saw another thread that mentioned trying to install to an older driver but I'm not sure where to find those files. I'm also not able to contact support about it since the base itself was a gift that was not ordered through my account. Are other people having similar issues? Are there any known solutions that I'm unaware of?


  • Well if someone loved me enough to gift me a CS DD they'd love me enough to write a ticket for RMA.

  • Well. I was hoping someone with a CS DD would have more insight than me. But All i can say is that base is new. Software seems a bit bad atm. And if no one here can help you get it online, you have no other choice than to contact support. However you have to do it.

  • older firmware dosen´t support CS DD.

  • But it is also essential that the PC recognizes the device, so that another firmware can be installed, even if it exists. The firmware "is" the peripheral! Without firmware you don't have a peripheral. If you cannot restore it through the bootloader, and the PC does not recognize it even by changing every single USB port available, or using another PC, all that remains is an RMA.

    This is a consequence of Fanatec's improvvise firmware management. Why update the firmware if everything works? Only Fanatec recommends doing this, in fact it seems almost mandatory, but with practically non-existent customer service, stop updating the firmware!

  • We wrote a ticket nearly a month ago. Zero response from support, but I'm learning that is typical with this company

  • Yup. It's been rough. Some things to check:

    1. Fill out the Ticket as best as you can with as much information as you have. Any troubleshooting you have done and attach a video if possible.
    2. They will respond with basic troubleshooting tips. Then you will have to do them and reply and wait again.
    3. Make sure you get an automated response from the Ticket in your email. If you don't. It means your ticket has not gone though.
  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited February 5

    yes,it does. 454 supports CS DD/+

    I can call all CS DD owners to install only the 454 driver and waiting for 456. 455 seems to be buggy.

    I got my CS DD back from RMA (a new base) and everything works fine now.

  • just noticed my F1 wheel will not be recognized after power off and on again when attached on the base. When I plug out and in again then it workd. After booting the QR Firmware shows the number and when I plug out and in the wheel then it show and the wheel will be reconized. Tested with Driver 455 same result.

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