I have to turn on/off my CS DD+ many times before my wheel get detected


Each time I want to use my CS DD+ I have to turn on/off many times before the wheel getting detected (both by Fanalab and Fanatec Control Panel).

When I turn on the base, I got one of these scenario (I have two wheels, podium Porsche and F1 2023 wheel with the same behaviour) : 

-Scenario 1. The wheel is not detected (most of the time) : The base and the pedals are detected, podium hub are detected by the control panel, the wheel calibrate but the oled screen does not turn on and the wheel is not detected by Fanalab and control panel : I can't play any game. I have tried to unplug/plug the wheel several time but same results.

-Scenario 2. The wheel is detected : The old screen is on but Fanatec Control Panel tells me that I need to upgrade Firmware for BME and QR although it is already done. It seems I can play games without problem anyway. I just see in the old screen "n" instead the "0" gear

-Scenario 3. The wheel is detected : Everything's ok. I just see in the oled screen "n" instead the "0" gear

The wheel is getting detected most of the time after 2/3 turn on/off and it happens with my two wheels.


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