Changing colours of the LEDs

My apologies if this issue has been raised before but i did a search and could not find this issue. I've recently watched a video on you tube about setting up different things on Fanalab. The chap described how to change the colours of the rev LEDS in the video but for some reason, my rev lights stay the original multiple colours. My wheel is a formula 2.5x edition. Having multiple colours for the rev range annoys me. I have tried deselecting Fanatec LEDs on ACC systems menu and reselecting them, no difference. I even tried doing a new profile but this still makes no difference. I believe it's something i'm doing wrong but i'm not sure what. It even shows on Fanalab that the rev range is red but when playing ACC, i still get multiple colours. A lot of help needed. Thanks


  • edited April 7

    Assuming you play on PC, all you have to do is to click the two green buttons in the game profile tab of FanaLab to enable Telemetry feed and to enable the Fanatec LED support to disable the native LED support so the native LEDs dont interfere with the FanaLab LEDs.

    For some games FanaLab can change ini files on its own, for some games, like ACC, you get instructions shown what you need to do. Follow them and then the FanaLab LEDs will take control (note that you need to adjust the RPM values for every car on your own when you wanna use FanaLab LEDs, or use profiles available in this forum which have the LEDs matched for every car already).

  • Sorry for not mentioning that i use a PC. I will give this a try, thank you for your help.

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