Podium Rally Module, Podium Hub, STILL no Sequential Shift function?

Per the title. Fanatec shifter sq1.5 still does not function in sequential mode with the Rally Module + Podium hub (the 'Monte Carlo' arrangement).

The failure of Sequential function only occurs with this Rally Module equipped wheel setup.

The shifter is plugged into the wheelbase. Normal functionality resumes when ANY other wheel is swapped in.

Formula wheels, McLaren wheel, clubsport module all have sequential function. However the premium Rally product doesn't?! An exclusive feature for, of all wheels, the Rally Module.

It was an issue previously acknowledged many months ago, but now half a year since purchase and it's still not rectified.

No compatability issues were advised at purchase. To think the Rally Module would not function with the sequential shifter would not be reasonable.

Can anyone at Fanatec provide ANY INFORMATION as to when this will be addressed?

Or, does someone else know if this can be worked around (bearing in mind the console platform)?

Configuration info:

DD Pro base

Fanatec SQ 1.5 Shifter (into base)


Driver 457


  • edited May 1

    The issue is known and already fixed internally and now needs to get merged into the public release firmware branch and then tested again internally. This takes some time but I have just recently pushed the issue again and raised prio for awareness so hopefully it can get merged into driver 458 or 459.

  • Thanks for the update Maurice

  • Hi Maurice, appreciating that there are wider changes in the Fanatec world, the messaging is that ongoing support won't be affected. In a few short months it will be the one year anniversary since I purchased the Podium Rally Module and I still can't use it with the Fanatec shifter. The Fanatec rally module, uniquely amongst other (fanatec) wheels, never worked with the fanatec seq shifter via base, and still doesn't. You mentioned 3 months ago that the problem was already resolved internally, yet the solution still hasn't been issued to the paying public. Can you update on when this may be resolved? I'm crossing all my fingers and toes :)

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