Sensitivity goes down after pitstops

I have a problem with ClubSport DD+ (Extreme) in GT7 on PS5 with the McLaren V2 steering wheel. During longer races, after a pitstop, Sensitivity (set to Auto) drops by about 200 degrees? After restarting the database, everything returns to normal (but it is difficult to restart the database during a race). Do you also have similar situations? and did any of you solve it?


  • Sony / PD introduced that bug with 1.43.

    This was the same patch which they nerfed the dd+\extreme by about 15-20%.

    A quick cycling of pause fixes the bug

  • Thank you Bernard,

    I have updated GT7 and DD+ to the latest versions, so SONY probably hasn't improved it yet.

    Anyway, thanks for the tip, I'll try to Pause it.

  • Yaya. Pretty sure Sony is still slacking. In fact, i don’t really have anything positive to say about Sony post 1.43. At this point it’s difficult to discern whether Sony is apathetic, incompetent, or this point ..sandbagging Fanatec.

  • I just had the same problem with my podium f1 a few times. Have never seen this before.

    Finished qualifying in the manufacturers cup. Everything was fine. Race starts, and my car just doesnt turn, and FFB was almost none. Felt like my SEN went from 600 to 1800....

  • edited May 22

    I had my SEN setting to "AUTO". After qualifying the race started and the SEN setting was different, so i had to steer a wider angle like before. Normally with AUTO you can steer 90 degrees left and 90 degrees right. But afterwards I had to steer approximately 180 left and right.

    This happened like I told at the beginning of the race and one time also after a pit stop like you told. One time I changed the SEN setting during driving to manual 500 and this was then ok. But its not easy to do this during a race....

    After this I decided to change from AUTO to 540. It seems that 540 ist like steering 90 degrees to left and 90 to right. In sum 180, like it should by with AUTO setting. What I don't understand is that the manual says that if SEN is set to 90 you can steer 45 left and 45 right. That would mean if i want it like GT7 makes it with AUTO (90 left and 90 right) in sum this are 180. But I have to set it to 540 that it goes 90 left and 90 right. Maybe something has changed in the firmware of the wheel and the manual was not updated?

    Edit: Like I found out every car has then its own setting so for one its 540 and for another 800....

  • Would having SEN to a fixed value instead of AUTO resolve this? (my thinking is that if it is a fixed value, then a bug in the game sending the values to the wheel shouldn't happen if the value is fixed...)

  • OK, so this happened to me after a pitstop. So it's definitely a game issue rather than a Fanatec one. Fixed by hitting pause and resume (which in this case was easily done because I was just doing a mission challenge......but very inconvenient in any online races....)

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