Fanatec CSL DD usb disconnection issue

So I have this issue with my fanatec csl dd disconnecting whilst playing. After probably around 20ish minutes and onwards of playing it turns to one side locking it in place and if I turn the wheel it doesn't respond. When this issue occurs it seems like it does something to the usb port because when I try to replug it, it just has the same effect. It only starts to work again after I fully restart the pc but after playing again I have the same issue. Also when I check the fanatec control panel it says everything is connected but the wheel doesn't appear to be turning when I do. I tried powering off and on the wheelbase but when it turns back on it doesn't recognise the device until I restart. Its very strange its like it overloads the usb port but after a restarts its fine. This only happens with the wheelbase and had no issues with other devices plugged in, and I don't see why it would be any different with this if the power is being supplied by the power brick and not the usb connecting to my pc. If anyone could help with this issue I would really appreciate it.


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