Very sensitive Thumbstick-Button on F1 Wheel

I got myself the CS DD+ with the Formula 1 wheel. It's all fine and dandy except for the very sensitive right thumb stick, which has a button beneath it. It's not too much of a problem on PC, because I can simply have this button unassigned on PC, but when using it with the playstation 5, this annoys the heck out ouf me.

That button below the thumbstick so sensitve that out of every 3 or 4 times I press some direction (no matter which.. up, down, left, right) , the button will be activated once, and since it functions as the X-Button on PS5, I will constantly confirm selections unwillingly.

This wasn't the case when I had my first F1-Wheel (the Xbox variant of the 2.5 version) from a few years ago.

Is this a special malfunction with my wheel or do more people have that problem? Does it maybe wear out over time?


  • do you mean press funtion has not enough resistance (too easy to press) in 7-way funky switch?

  • Yes. Actually, I don't press it at all. I just move the joystick in all directions, but never press the damn thing. Still it presses the button.

  • I had that and fixed it by updating the wheel with the firmware included in the 457 driver. Read carefully the 457 driver topic on this forum as it could potentially bring other issues.

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