CS DD+ wheelbase goes into update mode when turned on every time


I tried to open a support ticket but the website doesn't let me. When I fill out everything and try to submit it says I need to fill out the subject and message fields which I have done already. So I'm posting here instead.

I have a CS DD+ wheelbase, CS Universal Hub v2 for Xbox, CS pedals v3 inverted, CS shifter SQ v1.5. I use this setup with a PS5 and an Xbox Series X.

The setup worked fine until yesterday. At first I was unable to get the wheelbase recognized by my Xbox. The LED indicated it was in Xbox mode, but the small LED on top of the universal hub did not turn on. After switching everything off and back on again the wheelbase became unresponsive. The LED inside the power button stays red, it can't be turned off again, the wheel doesn't move when the base is turned on. When I connect the base to my PC and open the Fanatec control panel it says the wheelbase is in UPDATE MODE, and then it updates the firmware. After that is done, the wheelbase seems to be fully functional until it is power cycled. Then the same problem happens again.

I have tried wheelbase firmware from driver versions 454, 455, and 457. The same happens with all of them.

I'm requesting support from Fanatec. Could someone from their team open a support ticket for me? Thank you!


  • no one from Fanatec is looking here. You need to open a ticket yourself...

    try clearing your cache, or try a different browser.

    Theres also a tick box thats pretty much hidden - try to find that before submitting it

  • Thanks, I wasn't aware of that. I'll try opening a ticket again.

  • Still no luck with the ticket.

  • I was finally able to create a support ticket. I did it on my iPhone. Before I only tried on Windows and MacOS.

  • I am getting the same issue is there any news on this

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