My CSL DD 8Nm loosing connection, destroying every race.

I see that people have the same problem.

But nobody ( Fanatec ) is giving any help / solution.

Hallo FANATEC ! How are you going to resolve this?

Do we need to take some collective steps.

I bought stuff here for few thousand euro's, and now it's all just collating dust.

I was just wondering if you want to force people to invest in the new QR system?

Which is 3 x more expensive than the same QR from other producers.

It is no wonder that you are going down, GREED is a one way road to destruction.


  • Stanisa,

    This just started happening to me all of a sudden. I suppose your power light is flashing red. I've played with various things such as reinstalled the driver, etc. and it might work for a bit but then craps-out on me again.

  • I think I figured-out my problem, with no help from the troubleshooting recommendations. Troubleshooting #1 should be to reseat the steering column to the base. Have you tried that? Loosing the black collar, pushing-in the column, then retightening? Maybe they don't list that because their lawyers don't want them to list last that one.

  • Hallo Stuart, the light is flashing and now the steering is completely disconnected.

    Wat do you mean ' reseat steering column to the Base '?

    Thanks in advance!

  • And the worst thing is that Fanatec don't care about it.

    That nobody is reacting on my post from them is symptomatic.

  • And the worst thing is, I was thinking that it is about my PC.

    So I spend many on a new PC.

    Thank Fanatec!!!

  • Here is a video I found with the same problem I had:

    So, its a matter of loosening the black collar that goes around the steering column or shaft and reseating it. Now these instructions apply to the old QR1 quick release mechanism. QR2 is supposed to fix the problem. If you have QR2, disregard this.

  • Not being funny, but you posted this on a Sunday. And fanatec themselves dont usually look at the fourm.

    The checking/reinserting the shaft should be the first thing to try - as its been a known issue for... well, since the CSL DD was released.

    And its a comment on all issues related to the CSL DD/pro.

    There are so many reports of this, and usually a picture/video on every forum post on what to check/how to resolve it - or at least eliminate that it is the shaft.

    There was a (big) weakness in the QR1, and so the QR2 was released. Is it a scam? No. Is it right to pay for an upgrade, when the original is ineffective....? there are many posts on here arguing that topic

  • Thanks Stuart & Darren!!!

  • Did you get it working?

  • Good morning Stuart,

    Yes I have thanks to you :- )

    Once again, thanks a lot for it!!!

  • Darren thank to!

    I now that I have been a bit harsh to Fanatec.

    But it's not the first time I've facing some problems with the equipment.

    And getting no assistance from them.

    Actually I feel sorry for the situation there are in, and the founder being boxed out.

  • Searching through the faqs I found the link to this official video tutorial

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