Fanatec Steering Wheel HID

Im using WebHID ( to read input data from Fanatec steering wheel. This works nicely to control what I need but now I need to send force feedback into the device.

Is there a system that allows me to send this over HID or is this documented somewhere?


  • I haven't tried with a Fanatec wheel before but I did get this working with a Logitech wheel. I used the hid-lg4ff driver for Linux as a reference for how to control force feedback:


    There's a force feedback driver for Fanatec wheels:


    My demo requires a Logitech racing wheel but it might be a good starting point for you: g29-wheel-demo

  • why you use hid? linux or something?

  • The reason of using HID is because I am controlling it via a web browser so its the easiest interface to read the data.

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