Fanatec PBMR #workAround for GT7

Hi SimRacing Crew,

today I finally solved my Problem with the PBMR together with my PodiumHub (where the cursor in GT7 moves immediately to the bottom/upper left, and when I start a race the view goes straight to the left). I ordered a Podium Advanced Paddle Module (from ebay for 90 bucks big thx to the seller) and set the dual analog paddles to analogAxis mode, and that fixed the Prob and I can finally enjoy GT7 again ;)


  • edited June 7

    Thanx 😊

  • Ok, how the heck did you make this Rally Module work on a PS5?? I’m pulling my hair out with this thing for the last 4 days. Just got this in and it is sure listed on the site as PS5 compatible but I’m guessing they forgot to mention what moon cycle it has to be started in. Put the new wheel together, updated all firmware, fired up the PS5, put base in Blue PS5 mode and all hell brakes loose. Random buttons on PS5 are firing away and home screen is jumping to all sorts of places like random buttons are mysteriously being pressed. Of course the cursor is doing the run to the bottom left hat trick and don’t even get me started with going into GT7…… That was a fun one. Jump in the car hit start and I’m driving in reverse down the track looking out the back window over the trunk. WTH This is even better than the cars hopping off to outer space after 1.49 update…. You must have some wicked king-fu to have made this work. Please, please share the details of how you performed this miracle. What the heck am I missing. Here are my details

    Podium Button Module Rally

    ClubSport Universal Hub V2 w/included Mag Shifters


    Running Firmware 455 (Latest non-beta)

    Updated CSUH V2 to it’s latest firmware

    PBMR stated it’s on the latest firmware in update manager

    All other firmware current

    Play strictly on PS5 and most always on GT7 (which is at 1.49)

    All above stated as compatible together on Fanatec site and under Rally Module requirements

    Big thanks if you can help me get this working. Just dropped way too much $ on this paperweight.

  • Oops, sorry. I’m running this on a DD Extreme base. Kinda important detail I missed there. Thx again

  • You don't read too well, do you. Right there in the post it says the analog paddles have to be set to analog axis mode, found in the tuning section of the wheel.

    He really should have given a shout out to the person who discovered this, instead of taking the credit for himself. I personally had been running this for about a week, after I found it for myself.

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