Experience with replaced Clubsport DD+ Base

edited June 6 in Off Topic

Hi together,

after now approx. 8 weeks I got back a replacement DD+ for my brigged DD+.

Are there some experience about the at the moment delivered DD+ Bases? Are they working correct, which Firmware should be used 455 official or better the Beta 456/ 457, do they brigg again, any hints how to switch on or off?

Are there now new RAM modules for the BootLoader?

Any information is appreciated.

I don't wanna drive in this horrible RMA and support process again. I wonna play now.



  • Hi Thorsten,

    I just started yesterday the support process for my DD+ wheelbase, whic does not turn on anymore.

    I hope that Fanatec found the solution.

    Incredebly disappointing.

    Is the DD Pro more reliable?

    I am thinking of buying a DD Pro as a second wheelbase in order not to lose the rest of my fanatec equipements.

    Good luck

  • Hello,

    What was the problem with your CS DD+?

  • edited June 11

    @Philippe: Is the DD Pro more reliable?

    I think and from other members they should have some problems too (not all but some). I think it has to do with some part of the firmware in conjunction to the use PCB of some componennts. My replacement DD+ could be updated to driver 456 and up to now the base works fine. Hope this will be for the future.

    @Fabian: after recommend and madatory FW update to 455 the base was bricked. Not reaction at all. No lights, no turn after pressing ON button, no dedetion in Fanated software (device not found). Seemed to be a bootloader problem with FW and used components of the different PCB's. You can find many comments concerning this topic. DD pro, DD+ and some times DD2. I don't know if the problem is fixed by Fanatec. They never gave a statement to this situation that some Wheelbases get a brck and why they got it.

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