CS DD random crashing in ACC

About a week or 10 days ago (since installing driver 457) ACC froze then crashed back to the VR home screen, The wheel was strongly trying to spin clockwise which it did when I released my grip. Some of the rev LED's were frozen on. Tuning menu did not respond. I had to turn base off then back on to clear it. The same has happened a further 3 or 4 times since with exactly the same symptoms. I’m using a Clubsport Formula v2.5.

I have tried to submit a tech support but after completing it will not send stating to add a subject and description despite both sections fully populated. I have tried on PC and iPad with same result.

When I first got the CS DD I had issue when using Fanalab of the wheel freezing. I found I could overcome this by loading the profile from Fanalab and then closing Fanalab. With the predecessor of 457, 456 I think, I tried again running with Fanalab open but still got the wheel freeze but randomly I got loss of FFB. This was not frequent but seemed to occur in same place on the track (maybe coincidence).

It seems like all these issues are associated with the original wheel freeze issue.

I also race in AMS2 but use the WRC wheel for that and so far have not had game crash issue with that.

I did think about trying to roll back to previous official driver/firmware but got scared to try it for fear of bricking the wheelbase.

Driver 457, Firmware Wireless QR CS Formula v2.5 47

Windows 11 64

Thanks Martin


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