Let me tell you a story in the form of a dream

Let me tell you a story in the form of a dream, I don't know why I have to tell it, but I know what it means, In 2050, I am still waiting for the order I placed on BF in 2023 to be shipped. What is certain in this story is that I still haven’t received the order. What is uncertain is whether Fanatec still exists.


  • My BF order which contains a QR1 and an APM finally shipped today. Japan region.

  • what was your order ? I had a formula 2.5X a QR1 and button caps in my order, I lost patience and canceled

  • Same here m8 nov 23 still nothing

  • it looks like my new order for the formula 2.5 (no X) rest the same got hand over to the warehouse now, there is hope.

    I think the biggest problem is the communication. I've people would know what is holding it back would be better.

  • Hi guys ,new version lyrics

    Let me tell you the story in the form of a dream,

    I don't know why I have to tell it but I know what it means,

    Close your eyes, just picture the scene,

    As I paint it for you, it was 2023,

    When this man named Chen woke up,

    Chen was not a complainer,

    He was just a man with a passion for racing in Taiwan...

    That day, he crawled out of bed like he always did,

    Checked his email, and the status of his order,

    He had placed an order with Fanatec six months ago,

    Confirmation email said, "Your order will ship soon,"

    But months turned into months, and nothing came through,

    Chen knew what it would lead to,

    Just like he guessed, frustration grew,

    "The order you placed will ship soon," they said,

    But six months later, it’s still not delivered...

    Chen finally realized that the BF sale was a meticulously planned scam by Fanatec,

    Because they were facing financial difficulties,

    It was a well-orchestrated scheme to collect money without delivering the products,

    Leaving customers like Chen in a state of confusion and frustration...

  • May I ask when was yours ordered?? I am waiting for a QR1 with BMW GT2 wheel, ordered Feb 2024🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Yeah over 7 months. During this time I opened a ticket telling them I don't want the QR1 anymore, just send me other stuff and I also don't want the refund for QR1. They said no you have to wait for QR1 or you can cancel the whole order. Un-forking-believable and I kinda just leave this order be and see how long it can take.

    Over 7 months. I'm already dead.

  • I am still putting hope and faith on my order, but patience is running out... I am paying money for a toy, everyone knows how important "Toys" are to Men!! sigh.... it isn't cheap tho....

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