GT DD Pro 8nm issue.


I have a problem, during the game my steering wheel loses connection; I no longer have the shift paddles and buttons that work. Forced to turn the steering wheel off and on each time.

I watched the videos that I was told to resolve this problem but nothing helped.

It's been 3 weeks since I requested a return but no response. This is starting to make me a little angry.

Here is a video of my problem :


  • O_CVO_CV Member
    edited July 3


    I have the same issue. Opened an rma one month ago and got only one generic answer : Update tour drivers... :(


    Only have one wheel. Never disconected it. All well fixed. Played for 2 years without problems.

    Was driving in GT7 in PS5 and disconnected for the first time. Turn off, turn on it wasn´t recognized by PS5.

    Connected to PC Fanatec control center and the steering wheel was not recognized at first. Did not show in control center. Updated the PC driver from 453 to 455. Recognized everything and update the firmware to every component.

    Now disconnects lots of times when playing Gt7, decreases the Force feedback and then increases till disconection. The shift padles stop working but the gears on the gearbox work.Its unplayable.

    If i put the sequential Fanatec gearbox to manual the rotary button that we use in menus stops working. If i do it in PC fanatec control center it does show the moes in manual mode, sequential yes.

  • I have all the firmware up to date...

    Some guys tell me it's a QR problem

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited July 3

    Robin Manhaval

    if you think its qr then maybe try clean your steering wheel pins

    depends how you hold that in home. they to can collect dirt over time

    another issue could be that shaft is in loose

    some recently also say that he had screws not tighten enough what is nearby those steering wheel pins. that caused disconnect

  • If you suspect driver/FW related issues w the CSL DD or DD Pro, try going back to FW in driver 451. If the HW is working that was a very stable release.

    But the other issue w connections could be the wheel side QR. If the shaft has moved a bit then the connection could be affected so loosen the collar screw and reseat the QR. If using QR1 might be worth while to go to the 2 screw option - several available from 3rd parties. Just make sure its aligned and tightened to spec

  • It is true that from time to time I have to push my steering wheel back because it is a little out.

    For the axle, I found a little dirt in fact, do you think it comes from there?

  • I already look after this QR issue and it's still there

  • Neil ReubenNeil Reuben Member
    edited July 3

    did you try the earlier FW from 451?

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