I have problems calibrating and centering Fanatec steering wheels, with the CSL GT DD PRO base.

I cannot CALIBRATE and CENTER THE STEERING WHEELS on the CSL GT DD PRO base, neither with the steering wheel that comes with the pack, the GT DD PRO, nor with the other steering wheel i have, the McLaren GT-3. I have tried almost everithing, i have tried from the Fanatec control panel, from the steering wheels, i have tried diferent versions of the Fanatec Drivers 455,456,457, i have tried uninstalling everything and reinstalling it, but nothing it worked for me.

I have run out of ideas.

Please, i need someone to help me out.

Any suggestions, any ideas ??

Thank you.


  • Tae YooTae Yoo Member

    Hey Javier, if you're symptom = steering wheel not sitting exactly at 0 deg after calibration on DD Pro when on power or power-off, then that's normal. It's due to motor alignment to the wheel shaft. It should not affect your driving when in use. It's mostly cosmetic (annoyance).

    If you're problem is something else, i.e. can't calibrate at all or car is not going straight when you're holding it at center, then sounds like support ticket item.

    Hope you get it sorted, good luck.

  • Muchas gracias Tae, muy amable.

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